Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14

About Us

Northeast Kids is a ministry dedicated to serving children and their families in our local communities. Our focus is the spiritual, mental, and physical growth of our children. We seek to create an environment that is both welcoming and loving for our children to learn and grow deeper in Christ.

Our desire, through teaching God’s Word, is that children would learn how to live out their relationship with Jesus. We strive to teach children the Bible at an age-appropriate level so that they understand the message being presented to them. Children will develop a foundation in Christ as we teach them how to read and understand Scripture, learn the discipline of prayer, and grow a heart of worship.  

Northeast Kids Ministry wants to equip our children to spread the love and hope of Jesus Christ to the lost and broken. "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Our purpose at Northeast Kids is to develop God-centered families through exhibiting and emphasizing the importance of:
  • God's Word
  • Prayer
  • Reliance on the Holy Spirit
  • A heart of Worship

We believe that teaching kids to love God with all of their heart will ultimately allow children to pour out love to others.
We value the importance of teaching children to love God and others in order to fulfill the Great Commission. In our curriculum, we express how God wants all of us, even at a young age, to share His Good News.

Our goal is to see that every child that comes to Northeast Kids leaves knowing the love and hope of Jesus Christ and is equipped to grow a relationship with Him.

Every Sunday 10:30am
  • Nursery 0-2 yrs
  • Pre-school 3-5yrs
  • Elementary 1-6 grade

Child Safety

At Northeast Kids, your child’s safety is our priority. To make sure your kids are secure and well-cared for, we put in place a number of processes and guidelines. This way, parents can take part in our service with the assurance that their kids are in great care.
All NECC Kids Volunteers have completed mandatory background checks and have passed a child-safety training course.
Every Sunday, we have a dedicated group of volunteers who are on our safety team. They continually walk around the building throughout the service to ensure our safety.
All of our children's spaces have security and video surveillance.

A new child/family will complete a registration form at our check-in desk. The information on this form will be added into our Planning Center system through an iPad. After all information has been added, a name-tag label will print out (one for the child and one for the parent). These tags have matching 4-digit codes. Parents will need their label code to pick up their child for safety purposes.
Upon arrival, parents will check-in their child and receive a printed name-tag for the child along with a parent pick-up slip. The parent tag and each child’s name-tag will have a unique, 4-digit code generated that match one another. When a parent picks up their children at each classroom, teachers will scan the parent’s slip and verify the parent is authorized to pick up only the children permitted.
It is our goal that a minimum of two unrelated adult workers will be in attendance at all times when children are being supervised during our programs and activities. We do not allow minors to be alone with one adult on our premises or in any sponsored activity.
In order to keep our classrooms clean and prevent the spread of germs, we ask parents to wait another week if their child exhibits any of the following criteria:
  • Temperature > 100 Degrees
  • Runny Nose (With Colors Other Than Clear)
  • Productive Cough
  • Vomiting Or Diarrhea (In The Last 48 Hours)
  • Undiagnosed Or Contagious Rash
  • Red Or Draining Eyes
  • Has Been On An Antibiotic < 24hours
We will always text you using our web-based app if your child needs you for any reason. We also have parent pagers in our nursery and preschool classrooms.


We encourage parents to get involved with their children in NECC Kids for a number of reasons.
First, no one knows kids better than their parents. No one spends more time with them than their parents. Church starts in the home. You entrust your child to us for an hour a week, however God entrusted your child to you for 18 years. Church is only supplemental to what you are doing at home, continuing the conversation from church at home is vital for your child's growth. We hope to equip parents with knowledge of what their child is learning so they can reinforce the teaching points and continue to disciple their child at home for the rest of the week.
Second, When parents are a part of their child’s church experience, it demonstrates that growing close to God is a priority. We want children to think, “this is important to my parents, so it should be important to me too.” We also know God has given many others a passion and talent for developing young disciples. We look to them to join NECC Kids especially to mentor children and support their families.
Third, we believe if parents are putting their children in NECC Kids every Sunday, they should volunteer at least once a month.
We do our best to invest in our volunteers, giving them a sense of purpose, ownership, and value in order to create a solid foundation of God’s love in the lives of our children. If you feel passionate about changing lives for eternity by serving kids and their families, there are so many ways you can do this with us! Learn more about the steps to getting involved as a NECC Kids volunteer HERE

Right Now Media

We encourage you to sign up for Right Now Media! Over 10,000 free videos for you and your family. think of it as “The Netflix of Christian Bible Study”
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